about us

Qingdao Seaforest Hair Products Co., Ltd., established in November 2002, is one of the founding members of the China Hair Products Association. Since the foundation,  Seaforest has been focusing on the high-end market. Among the largest manufacturers of hair extensions and wigs in China, Seaforest has directly owned and operated 6 factories, with more than 1200 experienced full-time workers.

Our monthly production capacity can reach:

90,000pcs of wefts

60,000pcs of clip-in extensions

2,600,000pcs of pre-bonded extensions

1,200,000pcs of tape extensions

6,000pcs of wigs

3,000pcs of hair pieces/toupees

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our core value

  • Healthy

    Physical and Psychological health is extremely important. Regularly do exercises and nurture your mind.

  • Responsible

    Be brave to bear responsibilities, and to show the optimism spirit of Red Army in the Long March when faced with hardships, pressures and challenges.

  • Agile

    Think smartly, execute agilely, act efficiently, be pro-active.

  • Excellent

    Seaforesters are building a great company and creating a better life for people.


why choose us